A warm welcome to this week's amazing artist...featuring the uber talented
Donna Espiritu.
Donna is a multi-talented artist who currently designs for some 10
different digital designers and she is a DT member for local online
business Pretty Paper Studio.
Her cards
and layouts are amazing and her style is fresh and bold!! So without
further ado lets find out more about her.
Name: Donna Espiritu
1. Please tell our readers a bit about yourself
am from Manila, Philippines currently living in Saudi Arabia with my
hubby. I am 35 years old, I love reading and playing games either on my
phone or online (FB games to be exact hehe). I am interested in
photography and would love to learn in-depth.
2. When did you start on your creative journey? Was there something specific that kick started you?
years ago when my first niece was born. I wanted to document HER and
was already doing albums for her when I stumbled upon the term
scrapbooking in the net.
3. What kind of crafting do you do? Do you or did you have to attend classes/workshop to learn this skill?
scrapbooking, but I also love to create mini-albums and cards from time
to time. I did attend a few workshops but mainly because I wanted the
kit :D
I WOULD love to attend technique workshops especially mixed media
ones, though. This one I haven't tried that much yet.
4. What type of projects to you enjoy creating the most? (for example do
you like cards, wall art, layouts, altering items, etc.)
Layouts, cards, mini-albums.
5. What or who inspires you to create?
Where do you get your inspiration from?
Me, my family and friends. My life, as simple as it is. I get inspiration from everything, everywhere.
6. Are you or were you on any design team? Were you published before?
I am currently designing for Pretty Paper Studio and some 10 digital designers :)
Been published, yes. A few of my works before. But I didn't keep track (which I should!!)
7. Do you sell your items or do you create for fun? Do
you participate in challenges, contests etc?
WOULD be great if someone buys my creations :) When I think my stuff
will sell (I am shy! :D), I will try that. But now, I create mostly for
the fun of it. Contest, challenges.. I create this list EVERY MONTH but I
never get to it. The time will slip by and the deadline ends :D
8. Where do you sit and create? (for example do you have a craft studio or is there a routine or specific time you craft?)
did have one room dedicated for my craft stuff in the Philippines. But
now, I only create in this little corner of our bedroom. It depends,
sometimes I create the whole day but most of the time, I start to get
inspired in the evening.
9. Who out there in the
creative world inspires you the most and why?
different in creating styles. I love the works of IRIS UY (she's so
talented and a very kind fellow Pinay scrapper), CD MUCKOSKY, (love her
artistic style), Heidi Swapp (first, she was my scrapbooking idol and now she is one talented designer/scrapbooker in one!)
10. Where to from here Donna? What are your future plans surrounding your amazing talent?
nothing much really, I will just continue creating for fun but who
knows, maybe in the near future I will find the courage to do what I've
dreaming to do (that's a secret for now :D)
Aren't you just blown
away by the awesome work she does!!! See her originality and the
unique way she uses patterned papers to its full advantage. No dies or
stamps, just total utilization of what she has on hand - awesome!!! I am
sure we will be hearing much more about Donna in the future. Donna is
on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Pop on over to her sites and show
her some love. Do not forget to leave a comment - you know how we all
love comments :-)